
Senior Theses 2013-14


Senior Theses for 2013-2014 included:

Alejandro Arroyo Yamin, MASKED EXOTICISM: Relating Architecture to Authentic Experiences in Mexican Beach Resorts (Faculty Advisor: Michael Meredith)

Charles Avis, Simulations and Sand Castles: An Exploration of Industrial Robotics in Architectural Design (Faculty Advisor: Axel Kilian)

Tien Chen, In Search of a Contemporary Avant-Garde (Faculty Advisor: Michael Meredith)

Matthew Farris, The Packard Agricultural Complex: Agricultural Integration Into the Built Environment Through the Redevelopment of Abandoned Urban Structures (Faculty Advisor: Forrest Meggers)

Samantha Gebb, Negotiating Desire: Human Movement as an Architectural Medium (Faculty Advisor: Mario Gandelsonas)

Greta Hayes, Architectural Dissolution and the Age of Deception: Perspectival Projection and the New Aesthetic of Illusion (Faculty Advisor: Stan Allen)

Olivia Huang, Smallness: Japanese Microhouses as Alternate Realities (Faculty Advisor: Jesse Reiser)

Ani Ivanova, ARCHITECTURE AS ECSTATIC SUBJECT: Sergei Eisenstein’s Spatialization of Thought (Faculty Advisor: Spyridon Papapetros)

Peyton Knisley, OBJECT. FRAME. BRAND. The Legacy of New York’s Iconic Skyscrapers of the 20th Century (Faculty Advisor: Spyridon Papapetros)

Alison Mills, INTERSTATE 0: A History and Theory of the Los Angeles River as Cultural and Urban Infrastructure (Faculty Advisor: Guy Nordenson)

Katherine Ortmeyer, Living Light: A Study of Illumination and Illusion in the Nineteenth-Century Theatre (Faculty Advisor: Jesse Reiser)

Amanda Santillo, [ECO]systemizing the City: Promoting a Multidisciplinary Discussion of Ecologically Sustainable Planning Strategies (Faculty Advisor: Mario Gandelsonas)

Thomas (Tucker) Shanley, The Hosting Games: Successes and Failures of Olympic Cities

Jeongyoon Isabelle Song, The Loss and Reclamation of Public Spaces in Hong Kong (Faculty Advisor: M. Christine Boyer and Alejandro Zaera-Polo)

Donald Taylor-Patterson, FROM GOVERNMENT INTERVENTION TO SELF PRESERVATION: Public Housing, Urban Renewal, and the Rise of Self-Help Organizations in Postindustrial Trenton (Faculty Advisor: M. Christine Boyer)