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Mellon Forum | The Color of Modernity

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Is White the Color of Modernity?  Race, Region, and Nation in Twentieth-Century Brazil
Barbara Weinstein (NYU)

Wednesday, September 30th
12:00pm / 216 Burr Hall

In this talk, Professor Weinstein will elaborate on the central arguments in her recently published book, The Color of Modernity.  She examines the formation of regional identity in São Paulo from the 1920s through the 1950s, and the association of paulistinidade with whiteness.  Unlike previous works, she contends that the rise of nationalism did not erase regionalist discourses, and she emphasizes the way in which regional chauvinism could "stand in" for racism, especially in the case of São Paulo, a state where so much of Brazil's economic wealth and population came to be concentrated.  

Discussant: Pedro Meira Monteiro (Spanish and Portugues Languages and Cultures)