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SoA Lecture: Michael Meredith

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Spring 2016 Lecture Series

The Architectural Imagination

Monday, April 11
5 p.m., Betts Auditorium, School of Architecture

Michael Meredith
"Things to Avoid No.1-37"

Michael Meredith is a Principal, MOS Architects, and Assistant Professor, Princeton University School of Architecture.


All Lectures are held on Wednesdays, unless noted, in Betts Auditorium beginning at 5 p.m. For additional information, please call 609-258-3741. Lectures made possible by the Jean Labatut Memorial Lecture fund. The School of Architecture, Princeton University, is registered with the AIA Continuing Education System (AIA/CES) and is committed to developing quality learning activities in accordance with the AIA/CES criteria.
