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SoA Exhibit: Gallery Reception

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A Citizen’s Guide To Real Estate Investment
Curated by Marc Maxey

Princeton University School of Architecture Gallery
March 21 - April 1, 2016

Marc Maxey was selected as the 2015 Princeton University Dalai Lama Fellow for his project: A Citizen’s Guide To Real Estate Investment

This exhibition will feature ongoing work from his Fellowship year, and serve as a backdrop to the Detroit 101 lecture series final conversation on March 30th @ 6p: History, Race, and Real Estate

A Citizen’s Guide To Real Estate Investment is a series of free workshops to educate members of the Detroit community about the fundamentals of homeownership and real estate entrepreneurship. The project seeks to stabilize Detroit’s neighborhoods through grassroots efforts, and proposes a solution to mitigate the current Tax Foreclosure crisis facing Detroit, which affects over 100,000 of the city’s residents. A Citizen’s Guide To Real Estate Investment addresses issues of gentrification and social inequities of Detroit as the city emerges from its recent bankruptcy. The project focuses on citizen-driven revitalization, and proposes new strategies for residents to strengthen their communities while building wealth through real estate entrepreneurship.