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Speculation In, On, and Around: Fall Lecture Series Colloquium

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Monday, December 4th
6:00pm, North Gallery

Speculation In, On, and Around is a colloquium culminating the Fall 2017 Lecture Series at Princeton University’s School of Architecture coordinated and moderated by Professional M.Arch student Michaela FriedbergParticipants include Michael Meredith, Beatriz Colomina, and Ellie Abrons.

Given the contemporary condition of a fragmented architectural discourse, it is increasingly necessary to create platforms to analyze the relevance of collection, synthesis, and critique. These platforms should not return us to a time of architectural authority; instead, they prevent the field from completely dissolving into irreconcilable parts. During this semester’s colloquium, we will synthesize the varying positions on the topic of “Speculation” as an architectural tool to identify different positions on this theme—from the design of toilets, to formalized buildings-as-clouds.

See photos from the event.
