Gregory Elias Cartelli

PhD Candidate, History and Theory of Architecture, Princeton SoA
Certificate in the History of Science (Princeton University) (M.E.D.) Masters of Environmental Design, Yale School of Architecture B.A. Photography, Bard College

Gregory Cartelli is a researcher and PhD Student in the History and Theory of Architecture at Princeton University. He holds a Masters of Environmental Design from the Yale School of Architecture, a B.A. in Photography from Bard College, and is based in Princeton, NJ and New York City.

His current projects concern the re-emergence of a tectonic conception of fabric in the post-war period; the destabilization of Regionalism by architect-anthropologists; the relationship between the "Architectural Condition" and the 'condition of architecture' in the discourses of the synthése des arts; the elemental construction of the 'environmental' in the 20th century; and the objecthood of architectural techniques in their mid-century reformulation.

He is a consultant-at-large for the design firm Studio Ghraowi and has most recently worked on Hito Steyerl's 2019 exhibition "Drill" at the Park Avenue Armory.