Ashlie Sandoval

Ashlie Sandoval, 2019-20 Princeton Mellon Fellow in Architecture, Urbanism & the Humanities

Ashlie Sandoval’s research interests involve performance, Marxist, architectural, and feminist theory, as well as critical ethnic studies. Sandoval’s research project, Designing Work, Performing Architecture, examines how experiences of built-space influence how we interpret and respond to the evolving labor conditions within racial capitalism. This research examines the various ways architecture has lent itself to processes of racialization, from phenomenological experiences of race within the built environment to urban development’s creation of racial landscapes.

Sandoval’s research and teaching combine architectural theory with performance studies, exploring architectural design’s influence on race through discursive and visual representations of architecture and bodily engagements with design. Sandoval earned her PhD in the Department of Performance Studies at Northwestern University, an MA from the University of Cincinnati in Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, and a BA from San Francisco State University in Japanese and Political Science.

Sandoval’s fellowship is made possible through the support of the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the Program in American Studies and the Department of English.