SoA Review Space Reservations

Please click on one of the buttons below to view and request a review space.

View Current Reservations
SoA 2nd Floor Review Space
SoA South Review Space
SoA Pavilion


If your reservation is an event intended for the rest of the SoA community, please forward the title / date / timeframe to to be added to the SoA events calendar and newsletter.



Studio Meeting Policy

To improve space scheduling for studio desk crits and reviews, the following policies will take effect at the start of the Spring ’22 semester.

  • At the start of term, each studio receives an assigned space for student desks and desk crits/pinups, including at least three pinup walls designated for their use. This should be the default location for studio meetings each week.  
  • To accommodate small-group pinups, course AIs can reserve the following spaces: South Gallery, East Gallery, 2nd Floor Gallery, Mezzanine – subject to availability – in 2-hour increments.
  • To ensure spaces for informal yet larger reviews, undergraduate studios have preference for booking rooms on Tuesdays. Graduate studios will receive a Monday or Thursday preference at the start of term.
  • Formal reviews with juries, including half-term reviews, should be scheduled and provided a space at the start of the semester with the Academic Programs Manager.
  • Thesis reviews, including Science Fair, should be scheduled and provided one or more spaces at the start of the semester with the Academic Programs Manager.
  • Final reviews are scheduled by the Academic Programs Manager at the beginning of term. They are held immediately following the last class of the semester. To ensure adequate space, a maximum of two studio reviews can be scheduled on the same day.