
M+M: Jeffrey Schnapp "Redesigning the Scholarly Book"


Please join us on Monday, March 31 at 5pm for a Media and Modernity colloquium with with Jeffrey Schnapp.

MONDAY, MARCH 31, 2014
Princeton SoA, N107, 5pm

Redesigning the Scholarly Book

Jeffrey Schnapp (Harvard University)

Jeffrey Schnapp’s presentation will be concerned with the metaLABprojects series, in general, and with his forthcoming book in the series The Library Beyond the Book (Harvard University Press 2014), in particular. The series provides a platform for emerging currents of experimental scholarship, documenting key moments in the history of networked culture, and promoting critical thinking about the future of institutions of learning. The volumes’ eclectic, improvisatory, idea-driven style advances the proposition that design is not merely ornamental, but a means of inquiry in its own right.

The Library Beyond the Book at Harvard University Press.

Jeffrey Schnapp is the faculty director of metaLAB at Harvard and faculty co-director of the Berkman Center for Internet and Society. His most recent books include Modernitalia, a collection of essays on twentieth century Italian culture; The Electric Information Age Book, with Adam Michaels; and and Digital_Humanities, a book co-written with Anne Burdick, Johanna Drucker, Peter Lunenfeld, and Todd Presner. He is Professor of Romance Languages & Literature and also on the teaching faculty in the Department of Architecture at Harvard’s Graduate School of Design.
