Japan has a long history and profound culture. In contemporary Japanese society, low marriage rate and aging are two big issues. Now, Japan has more and more people aged over 60. In Osaka, there are 3.7 million populations in Osaka at daytime while the night-time population is 2.6 million. And the train station has an average of 4 hundred thousand passengers boarding every day. Within our site, there are many problems like Low occupancy rate in the high rise building, degradation of urban environment. And the obsolescent rail way is a separation of urban activities.
A whole large green landscape can’t respond to these problems and urban issues, neither does a Radiant City mode nor a traditional high density mode. So, a mixed urbanism mode combining open public green space and building volumes is proposed. Here, office, residence, commercial space, conference hall and cultural institution are interwoven with open public park, sports ground and green landscape.