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Forum: Cities of Latin/o America - Culture, Policy, and Built Environments

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Cities of Latin/o America: Culture, Policy, and Built Environments
Monday, November 17 | 4:30pm | Woodrow Wilson School, Robertson Hall, Bowl 2


Colonial legacies, migration patterns, tourism, and free-trade policies across the western hemisphere have produced contemporary urban spaces with varied cultural values and political economic ideologies. Latinized US cities and Gringoized Latin American cities are 20th and 21st century manifestations of this ongoing diversity, hybridity, mestizaje, along a north-south axis.

Panelists will discuss a wide array of built environments, texts, and visual materials to explore the transnational flows and materialities of policy and culture, and their impact on identities, representations, and urbanism in the Americas. In particular, three disparate topics--the Latin American shopping mall boom, colorful representations of Latino urbanism in the US, and the origins of US urban policy in Puerto Rico--will be put under the microscope to address the following question: How do convergences between varied peoples, ideas, and cultures of the Americas challenge and expand conventional understandings of urbanism and its related disciplines?


Arlene Dávila | Professor, Anthropology and Social and Cultural Analysis, NYU
Zaire Dinzey-Flores | Assoc Professor, Sociology and Latino & Hispanic Caribbean Studies, Rutgers University
Johana Londoño | Princeton-Mellon Fellow, Princeton University; Asst Professor, Latin American, Caribbean, and U.S. Latino Studies, SUNY Albany


Sponsored by the Princeton Mellon Initiative in Architecture, Urbanism and the Humanities.