Event Date: 
11.19.14 to 12.12.14

SoA Exhibit: The Instruments Project

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SoA Exhibit: The Instruments Project
November 19 - December 12
Exhibition produced by Elliott Sturtevant.  Graphic design by Multimillion.


Caught between the extremes of technophilia and technophobia, the fields of architecture, landscape, and urbanism are unable to articulate the epistimic conditioins under which they labor today.  The techniques and tools of these design fields remain consigned to the celebratory rhetoric of progress and innovation, whose principles now govern practice and pedagogy simply by way of theoretical exhaustion.  But these trusted axioms of modern life can no longer conceal the political silence that resides at their core.  The Instruments Project is an excavation of that silence: its continuities and divisions, its hidden historical impulses, and the forms of reasoning and representation within it.  Through sustained attention to instrumental processes that are by design simultaneously material and metaphysical, the project works towards establishing the technical dimension of architecture, landscape, and urbanism as a legitimate site for historical inquiry and philisophical reflection.

For more information about the exhibition, visit the Instruments Project: Princeton Conversations page.