
Martín Cobas

Martín Cobas is a Ph.D. Candidate at Princeton University School of Architecture. His research examines the historical intersections of anthropophagic, baroque and magical discourses in the “creaturely” origins of Brazilian modernity and the construction of a critical visual and spatial ontology. He is co-editor of Vitruvia and his writing has appeared in specialized journals (Architecture & Culture and PLOT, among others), and is currently completing a book on the work of Uruguayan engineer Eladio Dieste. Honors include the Archiprix International Graduation Project Award, Glasgow, 2005, and the Julio Vilamajó Prize, 2012. Cobas is a founding partner of Fábrica de Paisaje, whose work has received several international awards and has been exhibited in Buenos Aires, Medellín, Mexico City, Barcelona, New York, Montreal, Reggio, and the Venice Architecture Biennale. He graduated in architecture from the School of Architecture, Design and Urbanism of the Universidad de la República (FADU- UdelaR) in Montevideo, and holds a Master’s degree in Design Studies in History and Theory (with Distinction) from the Harvard Graduate School of Design. Cobas is Professor of Architectural History and Design at FADU- UdelaR (where he served as Associate Dean) and a researcher at the Institute of the History of Architecture. He has taught in Brazil, Ecuador and the US, and is a member of the South America Project (Harvard/DRCLAS).