Undergraduate Junior Paper

In the junior year, the independent work requirement is satisfied by a paper (of approximately 30 pages), due at the end of the academic year addressing a subject related to architecture selected by the student, in consultation with a faculty member. The work will be initiated in the fall (topic, outline and bibliography) and completed in the spring. Students will work in consultation with their faculty adviser and with the assistance of a Ph.D. student, who will provide writing support. 


Junior Independent Work Schedule, 2020-21

Subject to change. Please address questions to the Academic Program Manager.

All work is due by 5:00 p.m. on the listed due dates below.





Late September 2020 – First Funding Proposals Due to ODOC


September 25, 2020 – Information Session

  • Attend an informal session hosted by Professor Mario Gandelsonas, Department Representative, and Carrie Bly, PhD student, who will provide an overview of the Junior Independent Work requirements and upcoming writing workshops.
  • Schedule meetings with at least three faculty members in the department to discuss your proposed research topic.


Early October – JP Workshop I: Writing a Research Proposal, Working with an Advisor


October 14, 2020 – Preliminary Abstract and Advisor Choices Due

  • Submit a one-page proposal of research topic and top three choices of advisor to Prof. Gandelsonas and Dan Claro.
    • Students are not guaranteed their first choice of advisor. The final decision will be made by the Departmental Representative in consultation with the SoA faculty.


October 20, 2020 – Faculty Advisor(s) Assigned

  • Throughout the remainder of the academic year, students should arrange a schedule for progress meetings/consultations with advisors and a graduate student.


October 26, 2020 – Faculty Advisor + Student should have their first meeting by this date

  • Student and faculty advisor discuss the project proposal, next steps, expectations for check-ins/ regular meetings and availability for the duration of the project.


End of October – JP Workshop II: Annotated Bibliography, Sources and Research Notes


Mid-November – JP Workshop III: Writing an Outline and First Draft


January 6, 2021 – Junior Paper Outline Due (5 pages)

  • Send to faculty advisor, Prof. Gandelsonas and Dan Claro


January 11, 2021 – Feedback on Outline

  • Faculty advisor and student meet to discuss progress, next steps


January 18, 2021 ­– First 10 Pages of Junior Paper Due

  • Deadline to submit first 10 pages of Junior paper to advisor
  • Submission should include an annotated bibliography.





Early February 2021

  • Student and faculty advisor meet to discuss progress and next steps

During the months of February through April, students should schedule meetings with their JIW advisors at least every two weeks.


Mid-February 2021 – JP Workshop IV: Thesis and Argument


Late February – ODOC Funding deadlines


Early March 2021 – JP Workshop V: Sources and Editing


Mid-April 2021 – Faculty and Student Advisor meet to discuss progress and next steps


End of April 2021 – JP Workshop VI: Editing


April 12, 2020 – FULL Draft of Junior Paper Due to department by 4:00 p.m.


Late April 2021 – Faculty and Student Advisor meet to discuss progress and next steps


May 3, 2020 (Dean’s Date) – Final Junior Paper Due to department by 4:00 p.m.




"Writing a JP: A Handbook" from Princeton's Writing Center