
Veronika Kellndorfer

Veronika Kellndorfer lives and works in Berlin, Germany. She has developed international solo exhibitions in outstanding institutions, including the National Museum in Oslo, Norway (2017); Casa de Vidro, Instituto Lina Bo Bardi in São Paulo, Brazil (2015); Pinakothek der Moderne in Munich, Germany (2012 and 2014); Berlinische Galerie in Berlin, Germany (2005); and Villa Massimo in Rome, Italy (2005). Her work is part of the permanent collections of the Hammer Museum in Los Angeles, CA; San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco, CA; Pilara Foundation, Pier 24 Photography, San Francisco, CA; National Gallery, Hamburger Bahnhof, Berlin; and Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego, San Diego, CA, among others.

In her series Tropical Modernism, Kellndorfer examines modernist structures unfolded by Lina Bo Bardi, Artigas, Burle Marx and Niemeyer, from which she enlarges printed photography on highly reflective glass panels. She primarily focuses her lens on the transparent structures of the facades, allowing the inside and outside to play on the glass’ surface. As result of this process, the viewer and their surroundings are conflated on the works' different layers, merging the image space and real space, the hand-made and the natural.